Sachin Gupta, MD
Ear Surgery Videos
Skull Base Surgery Videos
Seattle, WA
Sachin Gupta, MD
Ear Surgery Videos
Skull Base Surgery Videos
Seattle, WA
Ear Surgery
Endoscopic tympanoplasty
Endoscopic Repair of a Subtotal Tympanic Membrane Perforation (narrated)
Transcanal Endoscopic Cartilage Tympanoplasty for Anterior Tympanic Membrane Perforation
Cochlear Implantation
Cochlear Implantation
Endoscopic Cholesteatoma Surgery
Endoscopic Removal of Cholesteatoma, with Cartilage tympanoplasty and ossicular chain reconstruction
Transcanal Endoscopic Atticotomy with Cartilage Graft for Lateral Epitympanic Retraction Pocket
Endoscopic Stapes surgery
Endoscopic Stapedotomy with co2 laser and microdrill
Endoscopic Stapedectomy with Narrow Oval Window Niche
Endoscopic Revision Stapedectomy
Endoscopic Ossicular Chain Reconstruction
Endoscopic Revision Ossicular Chain Reconstruction (narrated)
Endoscopic Ossicular Chain Reconstruction for Traumatic Ossicular Discontinuity
Endoscopic Ossicular Chain Reconstruction for Malleus Fixation